Even penis enlargement surgery and treatments have their limitations. When you choose to go ahead with surgery, you should know exactly what can and cannot, be achieved.
We know that in terms of length 95 % of men have an extra one to two inches more in the flaccid length of the penis. In girth, we are able to achieve between one and two inches more in both the flaccid and erect girth of the penis with a penis girth fat transfer, depending on initial absorption rates. These are the results that most patients get from the surgery at Moorgate Andrology.
Penis enlargement injections (penis fillers) increase girth by one to two centimetres depending on the amount of filler you choose to have of course. Your penis length also plays a part. If you have a particularly long penis it will be able to take more filler. You can have periodic top up treatments to increase the girth even more if you wish.