When it comes to penis enlargement pills and potions, it’s hard to know where to start.
Ask yourself, if there REALLY was a pill or potion that was scientifically proven to increase penis size, do you think anyone would have surgery?
Well, that does not stop guys from buying them of course, and this is a multi-million-pound consumer market.
You cannot help notice that these penis enlargement pills and potions seem to be derived from all corners of the globe.
Of course, it’s easy to be flippant when you are working with GMC registered Surgeons and Doctors. They have scientific minds, and for them the proof has to exist, having to have stood the test of the best of the medical establishment and its protocols and assessments.
In the absence of any scientific data, it is impossible to back up or support any claims that penis enlargement potions or pills work. What we do know is that many men seek our help after they have spent several hundreds of pounds on a “miracle cure”. Usually, these cures have been sent through the post after ordering them online. They are either herbal based penis enlargement remedies or in worse cases medical drugs that should be under the supervision of a qualified Doctor.
Most of the time guys get despondent within a few months or trying the penis enlargement pills or potions. We know this because when many Patients attend our clinic they tell us that they have tried such pills and potions and with no results. In many cases they have lost literally a few pounds, but what frustrates men the most is the time that has been lost when they could have sought an effective treatment or surgery solution from the outset.