If you are diabetic and struggling with your erections, you are not alone. Erectile dysfunction is very common in men who suffer from diabetes. If you have other conditions such as hypertension or heart disease this can only add to the problem.
For some men with diabetes, it is the inability to get an erection on demand that I the problem, for others it’s not a problem to get an erection, more a problem to keep the erection long enough to complete sexual intercourse.
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, no matter how well or poorly your diabetes is being controlled, you need to seek the advice of either your GP or a Urologist.
Both experts will be able to help you get your erections back on track. There is no need to suffer from erectile dysfunction if you are diabetic.
Having erectile dysfunction can be a real challenge. It can leave you and your partner feeling frustrated and discouraged. Take steps to cope with erectile dysfunction — and get your sex life back on track.
Treatments that are effective in treating erectile dysfunction in diabetics include oral medication. These come in the form of a tablet taken either a couple of hours before sex or on a daily basis.
Where oral medication has failed to work or has stopped working, then you could consider penis injections. These are injections that you give yourself, directly into the penis, just before you have sex.
If you are already giving yourself insulin injections then this treatment will come as no surprise to you. However, some men have difficulty injecting their w penis and don’t want to try this therapy.
At the end of the treatment stage for some diabetics is a penile implant. They are often the choice when all other methods to treat erectile dysfunction has failed to work. In such cases, a penile implant can be a very good option for diabetics.
Quite apart from medications there are some steps that you can take to help boost your erection quality. If you smoke then try to quit or at least cut-down. Smoking is known to impact the quality of a man’s erection due to the narrowing of the arteries that smoking can cause.
If you are overweight then try to lose weight. This can help increase blood flow and improve your mood.
If you drink too much then try to cut down on the amount of alcohol that you consume. These are all positive steps that can take to help make your erections better.
If you find that these initiatives don’t make much difference then it’s time to seek professional advice. At Moorgate Andrology we have a team of qualified Urologists who are experts in treating erectile dysfunction.