Lets start by saying that most men who come to Moorgate Andrology for penis enlargement, have , statistically, a normal size penis.
The desire to have a larger penis seems to have gained popularity in recent years. More men are having cosmetic surgery than ever before, and perhaps penis enlargement is just one of the procedures that have captured the imagination of men looking to get the body and looks that they want.
The average erect length of the human penis is approximately 5.1 inches long and average erect girth is 4.5 inches. It should be noted that the flaccid length of the penis can sometimes bear little resemblance to the erect length of the penis. Men with a relatively short flaccid penis can have a perfectly average penis on erection, whilst others seem to grow little from the flaccid to the erect state.
Many men choose to have their penis lengthened because they see their friends and gym colleagues with a longer penis than their own. This can lead to a feeling of inadequacy and a reluctance to participate in sporting activities or undress in front of other men , or women.
An interesting fact to know is that the stretched length of the flaccid human penis also correlates with the erect length.
It should be remembered that when measuring your penis you should do this in the same conditions each time. This is because certain factors can influence the size of your penis. For example room temperature, anxiety levels, the time of the day and state of sexual arousal.
Men can take some comfort in that they have the thickest penis of all primates. Studies in the USA have concluded that women seem to prefer a thicker penis to a longer penis, and that penis size overall has a bearing on sexual satisfaction.
At Moorgate Andrology almost all men choose to have their penis made thicker , either by penis girth fat transfer or penis fillers. Theories abound about why women prefer a thicker penis but many believe that it is due to the increase in the vaginal canal size over time, to accommodate the larger newborn baby’s skull. It is thought that women may have chosen men with larger penises to accommodate their vaginal size.
It may interest you to know that in polls most women underestimate their partners penis size.