If you are happy with the length, we can provide surgery to increase your penis girth.
Most men who come to Moorgate Andrology choose to have both penis length surgery and penis girth surgery together; this is around 85 % of the total number of patients. Of the other 15 %, at least 13% of those will have girth surgery.
This is perhaps because the sex experts tell us that when it comes to sexual intercourse, the thickness of the penis is more important than the length.
With penis girth surgery we can increase the thickness of your penis in both the FLACCID and ERECT state.
Here are common reasons why you may come to Moorgate Andrology for penis girth surgery.
- Your partner has had children and cannot feel the penis as much due to slackened muscles after childbirth
- Your penis is long but thin ( so called “ Pencil penis “ )
- You are embarrassed how your penis looks in underwear or swimwear.