What’s involved in the scrotoplasty procedure?
Before the operation starts the Anaesthetist will give you an injection to make you sleep for the duration of the operation. This means that you will feel nothing during the procedure.
It will take around one hour to complete the surgery. The procedure involves the removal of excess skin in the scrotum.
The area is then closed with dissolvable sutures. This means that they will fall away naturally in the following weeks after the scrotum lift surgery.
When the surgery is completed, you will be taken to a recovery area, and you remain there for two to three hours in most cases. You should be given something to eat and drink and then you will be discharged. You will go home with antibiotics for the first week and some pain relief medication.
If you have excess scrotal skin then you will know it’s no joke. Quite apart from the way your scrotum looks, it can be uncomfortable in underwear. Thankfully, there is a solution with a procedure performed by our Urologists called a scrotoplasty.