It’s true to say that there are very few penis enlargement surgery providers in the United Kingdom. The other factor here is that not many men want to share their experience of having the surgery, almost all tell only those that have to know or absolutely nobody at all.
These two factors combined almost keep penis enlargement surgery a little taboo.
The surgical procedure demands great skill from the Surgeon and specialist training in the technique. This training is not always available to Plastic Surgeons. Urologists and Andrologists are perhaps closer to this area of surgery and are more likely to have had relevant training. On the whole, men like to keep the idea of having cosmetic surgery of any kind very private, maybe it’s just a guy thing. When it comes to surgery of the penis or the genital area, then very few want to discuss it openly. This is perhaps in stark contrast to women who, on the whole, are happy to tell anyone that they have has cosmetic surgery.
In truth, cosmetic surgery is now widely accepted in modern society, and most people know someone who has had a procedure of some sort. We continue to carry out hundreds of procedures each year for men all of which are male genital procedures such as penis enlargement surgery, penile implants, scrotoplasty, testicle replacement surgery and circumcision to name a few. We have helped thousands of men with penis surgery.