Penile Biopsy

We provide a penile biopsy service here at Moorgate Andrology.

The biopsy is performed by one of our Specialist Urologists.

It is a straightforward procedure performed on an outpatient basis. You will be able to go home directly after the biopsy.

Why have a penile biopsy?

There are a number of conditions where a penile biopsy may be recommended by your family Doctor or Specialist Urologist, these include:

  • Penile skin and foreskin conditions
  • Dermatoses conditions of the penis
  • Mild Phimosis (Tightening of the foreskin)
  • Rash on the penis
  • Penile lumps and bumps

What's the next step?

Give us a call or send us an email and we will arrange a consultation for you with pleasure to discuss how we can help reach a solution regarding a penile bioposy. We can give you an indication of the likely costs and discuss the various payment options that we have, including interest-free finance.

How is a penile biopsy performed?

A small tissue sample is taken under local anaesthetic. This sample is then sent to the laboratory for analysis. When the report is back an appointment will made for you to discuss the findings with the Urologist

The procedure is quick and painless.

Are there any complications from a penile biopsy?

Most penile biopsy procedures go ahead with no complications. Of course, all procedures carry an element of risk which you should be aware of. These include:

  • Swelling and bruising at the biopsy site. This may cause some temporary discomfort after the procedure.
  • Wound infection. Although rare, it is possible to experience an infection from the wound.
  • Wound breakdown from the sutures
  • Post biopsy bleeding
  • Scar formation

How quickly does a penile biopsy take?

We can usually arrange a penile biopsy within a matter of two weeks, usually sooner. Please give us a call to discuss your requirements and we can give you the next available dates. We will arrange a consultation for you in the first instance with the Urologist to discuss the nature of your penile lesion and the most appropriate way to gather a tissue sample.